We are proud of our success, fueled by our partners' support

and driven by our passion to innovate solutions that address today’s business challenges, earning us the following accolades.

eAA Award 2023 Winner

Best International Implementation
Best Summative Assessment Project

Brandon Hall Group Gold 2022 Award

Best Advance in ILT Management and Delivery

Brandon Hall Group Bronze 2022 Award

Best Advance in Education Delivered Through Technology

eAA Award 2022 Winner

Best Transformational Project

eAA Award 2021 Winner

Best International Implementation

Cyber Essential Plus (CE+) Certified

Saras Test and Assessment is now Cyber Essential Plus(CE+) certified

Enhancing capabilities of teachers and learners worldwide

through transformational eLearning solutions

24+Years Of Product Excellence
200+Customers Globally
2.5K+ Pre-loaded Courses
3M+Advising Sessions (Hours)
1.8B+ Test Submissions
30M+Test Takers
100K+ Exams Proctored

We've helped organizations tackle business challenges


Association of test publisher
e-Assesment Association