The Client
Business Needs
In order to maximize the share and reach in the market, the client wants to venture in the digital content delivery and online assessment platform, other than the traditional learning through printed books.
The key business requirement of the client is:
- To enable online presence, more geographical penetration and reach.
- Better online content selling platform
- Boost in revenue
- Improve quality of content offered
- To provide online content packages access to Schools including teachers and students. In order to access the contents, school will subscribe to the online digital content packages
- To provide facility to test/assess students on learning aspects
Solution Highlights
Delivered the digital delivery solution to client for Secondary and Primary Schools.
The solution enables teachers to Manage the Assignments (Test and Homework), Evaluation, Deliver the lessons inside the class room, Track and monitor the students individually also as a group and Group Management.
And enables Student to Self-Learning, Submit assignment and Performance reports with teacher feedback.
The solution is delivered in below flavors from the business angle.
- Secondary Integrated Solution
- Secondary Standalone Schools
- Secondary CSV based Schools
- Primary schools (Snap science, Busy Ant and Big Cat, Treasure House, CIE)
- Google Class room integrated solution
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